Lisa, Parent

Our 7 year-old son, Peter, could not read. His first grade classroom work was being extremely modified and he was being sent to EIP (Early Intervention Program) classes every day for 45 minutes. Nothing was working for him at school or at home. This was not only showing in his school work, but his happiness and self-confidence were suffering greatly, too. We had to do something, and that is when we called Syllables. They began working with Peter for one hour a week after school. Syllables taught Peter in 25 hours what the schools, or we as parents, were unable to do in almost 2 years. The methods they used made sense to Peter – it was clicking. The therapists at Syllables have shown such a genuine interest in our son’s reading and education, and his life will be so much better because of the caring work that they have done. Syllables has saved his self-confidence and shown him he is a bright kid who just thinks a little differently. Syllables has given us something priceless – our son’s smile.