Orton-Gillingham Tutors in Metro Atlanta and Worldwide

Worldwide Tutoring

We provide one-on-one tutoring worldwide via teletherapy. Students meet with our highly trained therapists in the convenience of their homes. Contact Us to get started.

Metro Atlanta Tutoring

We provide in-person tutoring at our convenient Metro Atlanta location in Alpharetta.


12755 Century Drive, Suite C
Alpharetta, GA 30009
Take GA 400 to Old Milton Parkway (Exit 10)
Turn LEFT off the exit ramp (Turn RIGHT if traveling SB on GA 400)
Turn RIGHT onto HWY 9 Main Street
Continue for 2 miles
Turn LEFT onto Vaughan Drive (after Shell Station)
Turn LEFT into Millennium Office Complex (Century Drive; approx. 20 yards)
Make an immediate right
Syllables is in suite C at 12755.